Balance & Gait

Welcome to Unified Rehabilitation - your path to balanced mobility. At Unified Rehabilitation, we understand the importance of a balanced and confident stride in your everyday life. Our dedicated team of skilled physical therapists is here to help you regain control over your balance and address walking abilities, empowering you to live life to the fullest. With a personalized approach and innovative treatments like aquatic therapy, we aim to guide you towards optimal mobility and improved well-being.

Our Specialized Focus: Balance Dysfunction and Gait Abnormalities

  • Comprehensive Assessment: At Unified Rehabilitation, we start by conducting a thorough evaluation to identify the root causes of your balance dysfunction and gait abnormalities. Our experienced therapists analyze your movement patterns, muscle strength, coordination, and overall mobility to create a tailored treatment plan.

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Once we understand your unique needs, we design a personalized treatment plan that integrates evidence-based practices and advanced techniques. Our goal is to enhance your stability, coordination, and gait, allowing you to move confidently and safely.

  • Innovative Approaches: Our clinic prides itself on staying at the forefront of rehabilitation techniques. We utilize the latest advancements in physical therapy to provide you with the most effective interventions, ultimately facilitating optimal outcomes in your balance and gait rehabilitation.

  • Collaborative Care: We believe in a collaborative approach to your care. Our therapists work closely with you, incorporating your input and preferences into the treatment plan. We also coordinate with your referring physicians or healthcare providers to ensure a unified and cohesive approach to your rehabilitation.