
Welcome to Unified Rehabilitation - your path to elbow recovery. Recovering from elbow dysfunctions and surgeries requires specialized care and expertise. At Unified Rehabilitation, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive outpatient physical and occupational therapy tailored to individuals seeking rehabilitation after common elbow pain, dysfunctions and surgeries. Our experienced team of professionals is here to guide you on your journey to recovery and help you regain optimal elbow function and mobility.

Common Elbow Dysfunctions

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a condition characterized by inflammation of the tendons on the outside of the elbow.

Our specialized rehabilitation programs focus on:

  • Pain management techniques to alleviate discomfort
  • Strengthening exercises to improve elbow stability

  • Stretching exercises to enhance flexibility and range of motion

  • Ergonomic education and modifications to prevent future recurrence

Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

Golfer's elbow, or medial epicondylitis, involves inflammation of the tendons on the inner side of the elbow.

Our rehabilitation plans address:

  • Pain relief through modalities and manual therapy

  • Progressive strengthening exercises to rebuild muscle strength

  • Flexibility exercises to regain mobility and prevent stiffness

  • Functional training to ensure a safe return to daily activities and sports

Elbow Fractures and Dislocations

Recovering from elbow fractures and dislocations requires specialized rehabilitation to regain strength, stability, and function.

Our therapists focus on:

  • Range of motion exercises to improve elbow flexibility

  • Strengthening exercises to restore muscle power

  • Functional training to enhance daily activities and regain independence

  • Gradual progression to ensure a safe return to pre-injury levels of activity

Post-Operative Rehabilitation for Common Elbow Surgeries

Elbow Fractures and Dislocations

After undergoing Tommy John surgery to reconstruct the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), our rehabilitation program includes:

  • Controlled and progressive exercises to restore range of motion

  • Strengthening exercises to rebuild elbow and forearm strength

  • Neuromuscular re-education for optimal muscle control and coordination

  • Gradual return-to-sport protocols to ensure a safe and successful comeback

Elbow Arthroscopy

Following elbow arthroscopy to address various elbow conditions, our rehabilitation focuses on:

  • Pain management and swelling reduction techniques

  • Gentle range of motion exercises to enhance joint mobility

  • Strengthening exercises to promote muscle recovery and stability

  • Functional exercises to improve daily activities and work-related tasks

Total Elbow Replacement

Rehabilitation after a total elbow replacement is tailored to each individual and may include:

  • Pain management strategies to alleviate post-operative discomfort

  • Passive and active range of motion exercises to enhance elbow mobility

  • Strengthening exercises to rebuild muscle strength and stability

  • Gradual progression to ensure a safe return to pre-injury levels of activity

At Unified Rehabilitation, we strive to deliver personalized outpatient physical and occupational therapy to optimize your recovery after elbow dysfunctions and surgeries. Our experienced team is committed to guiding you through every step of your rehabilitation journey, helping you regain confidence and functionality in your daily life.

Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards a stronger, pain-free elbow!