Jaw Pain & TMJ

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a complex structure that connects your jawbone to your skull. It allows you to move your jaw smoothly for actions like chewing, talking, and yawning. When this joint or the muscles surrounding it are dysfunctional or in pain, it can result in discomfort and limitations in daily activities.

Common Causes of Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorders

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding and Clenching): Persistent grinding or clenching of teeth can strain the jaw muscles and cause TMJ problems.

  • Trauma or Injury: Any injury to the jaw or surrounding areas can lead to TMJ disorders and subsequent jaw pain.

  • Malocclusion (Misaligned Bite): When the teeth don't align properly, it can cause strain on the TMJ and surrounding muscles.

  • Stress: High levels of stress can lead to jaw clenching or grinding, exacerbating TMJ-related issues.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

Individuals with TMJ disorders may experience a range of symptoms, including:

  • Jaw pain or tenderness: Pain in the jaw joint area or around the ear, especially during chewing or speaking.

  • Limited jaw movement: Difficulty in opening the mouth wide or a locking sensation in the jaw.

  • Clicking or popping sounds: Audible sounds when moving the jaw, often associated with TMJ joint dysfunction.

  • Headaches or migraines: Chronic headaches, especially in the temples or forehead, can be linked to TMJ disorders.

How Physical Therapy Can Help

Our skilled physical therapists utilize a comprehensive approach to address TMJ disorders and jaw pain. We tailor our treatments to meet the unique needs of each patient and focus on improving jaw function, reducing pain, and enhancing overall well-being.

Our TMJ-focused physical therapy may include:
  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to improve joint mobility, reduce muscle tension, and relieve pain in the jaw area.

  • Exercise Programs: Customized exercises to strengthen the jaw muscles, improve posture, and enhance overall jaw function.

  • Modalities: Application of heat, cold, dry needling or electrical stimulation to reduce pain and inflammation in the jaw joint.

  • Education and Self-Care Strategies: Teaching proper jaw alignment, relaxation techniques, and habits to manage and prevent TMJ-related issues.

If you're experiencing jaw pain or suspect a TMJ disorder, our expert physical therapists at Unified Rehabilitation are here to help. Contact us to schedule a consultation and start your journey towards a pain-free, functional jaw.