
Welcome to our premier Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Program, where your journey to recovery is our top priority. Our specialized program is led by Kaytelynne Dubey who is an Occupational Therapist and holds her certification as a stroke rehab specialist. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through a comprehensive rehabilitation experience tailored to your unique needs.

About Our Program

At Unified Rehabilitation, we understand that stroke recovery is a personal and intricate process. Our team of experienced therapists, with their deep understanding of stroke-related challenges, is here to provide you with the support and expertise you need to regain your independence and enhance your quality of life.

Key Features

  • Certified Stroke Rehab Specialist: Our skilled therapists possess advanced certifications in stroke rehabilitation, ensuring that you receive the highest level of care. They are well-versed in the complexities of stroke recovery and will design a customized treatment plan that addresses your physical, cognitive, and emotional needs.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: Your journey begins with a thorough assessment that helps us understand your strengths, challenges, and goals. This assessment forms the foundation of your personalized rehabilitation plan.
  • Aquatic Therapy: Our innovative approach includes aquatic therapy, harnessing the healing properties of water to facilitate movement and reduce stress on joints. Under the guidance of our therapists, you'll engage in exercises that promote mobility, balance, and muscle strength within a soothing aquatic environment.
  • Speech Therapy: Communication challenges are common after a stroke, which is why our program includes dedicated speech therapy. Our expert speech therapists will work with you to improve speech, language, and swallowing abilities, helping you regain confidence and reconnect with those around you.
  • Tailored Rehabilitation Plans: No two stroke recoveries are the same. That's why we create individualized rehabilitation plans that evolve with your progress. Our therapists will continually assess your achievements and adjust your program to ensure optimal results.

  • Holistic Approach: Stroke recovery is more than just physical rehabilitation. We take a holistic approach, addressing not only physical challenges but also emotional and cognitive aspects. This well-rounded methodology empowers you to rebuild your life with confidence.
  • Supportive Environment: Our gym is designed to provide a comfortable and motivating atmosphere for your rehabilitation journey. Our team fosters a supportive community, where you'll find encouragement from both therapists and fellow participants.


  • Regain Mobility: Restore your physical capabilities through targeted exercises and techniques tailored to your needs.
  • Enhance Communication: Our speech therapy sessions aim to improve your speech, language, cognitive and swallowing abilities.

  • Boost Confidence: Achieve personal milestones and rediscover your self-assurance with each step forward.
  • Personalized Care: Benefit from one-on-one attention and a plan designed to align with your progress and aspirations.
  • Holistic Healing: Experience a comprehensive approach that takes into account your emotional and cognitive well-being.

Embark on your path to recovery with the guidance of our certified stroke rehab specialist. Regain control of your life and stride confidently toward a brighter, more independent future. Contact us today to begin your transformative journey with our comprehensive Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Program.